Being a professional engineer, although retired, I have lots of time to pursue my interest in astrophysics and associated topics. Time, to me, is an extremely interesting topic — one which we think we all know, but probably know very little about.Anyway, I had hoped this book would provide a greater understanding of time, and I’m sure it does .. but not for me. All of the material in this book relies HEAVILY on advanced mathematics for understanding — calculus, differential equations, etc. Unless you are extremely versed and current in advanced math, you will not be able to realize the potential of this book.I couldn’t actually rate the book, as I’m no longer instantly conversant with the advanced math in the book. If one were, then I feel quite sure that this book could be four or five stars. But for a layman, or even one with a history of advanced math which hasn’t been used recently, it is virtually not understandable. Too bad.
[PDF] The Physical Basis of The Direction of Time (The Frontiers Collection) H. Dieter Zeh
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