{PDF} Tissue Proteomics Christine R. Rozanas, Stacey M. Loyland (auth.), Brian C.-S. Liu, Joshua R. Ehrlich (eds.)


With the completion of human genome sequencing, the field of proteomics has grown vital to biomedical research. Among the array of protocols developed to study the human proteome, many protocols examine proteins derived specifically from cell lines, body fluids or human tissues – not necessarily compatible with the full range of protein sources commonly used in the laboratory. Tissue Proteomics constitutes in one volume useful and innovative protocols developed specifically for the proteomic profiling of human tissues. A unique resource for researchers, Tissue Proteomics provides high-throughput gel-based techniques, microarrays and a number of other methods used in proteomic research, a field still in its early stages. This important book will prove indispensable to investigators of biomarker discovery and therapeutic response profiling, as well as those forging new paths in the fields of theranostics and personalized medicine.


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