[PDF] Turbulence, Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Turbulence, Waves, and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma Lillafured, Hungary 16?20 September 2002 H. C. Spruit (auth.), R. Erd?lyi, K. Petrovay, B. Roberts, M. Aschwanden (eds.)


Significant advances have been made recently in both the theoretical understanding and observation of small-scale turbulence in different layers of the Sun, and in the instabilities that give rise to them. The general development of solar physics, however, has led to such a degree of specialization as to hinder interaction between workers in the field. This book therefore presents studies of different layers and regions of the Sun, but from the same aspect, concentrating on the study of small-scale motions. The main emphasis is on the common theoretical roots of these phenomena, but the book also contains an extensive treatment of the observational aspects.


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