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This book is giving you real world information incorporating the latest developments and advances in practical steroid use in athletics. Many of these advances have been instigated by me. Love me or hate me, you may not care for my sense of humor, or my (a)moral attitude, but frankly there is very little to argue about in the factual information presented. I happen to be a bodybuilder, train and socialize with my peers, so you will see me slant the information toward that activity. But no matter how ignorant and
uneducated I find most bodybuilders to be, they appear comparative Rhodes scholars when I survey steroid knowledge and use in powerlifting, track and field, football, (even) bicycle racing, etc. . And here’s what’s really important about everything I say: I am my own lab rat, and I have a close circle of friends, both men and women, who also choose to be lab rats.


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