{PDF} Waste materials in construction: putting theory into practice: proceedings of the International Conference on the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials, WASCON’97, Houthem St. Gerlach, the Netherlands, 4-6 June 1997 G.J. Senden, H.A. van der Sloot, J.J.J.M. Goumans


This book presents the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Waste Materials in Construction, held in June 1997. The papers presented give the state of the art on leaching of materials and products, demonstration projects and product development. Results of workshops on immobilisation and quality control are also presented. A good overview of the latest results on the application of various materials in construction, based on both technical and environmental data, is provided. The book provides a unique opportunity for environmental researchers, environmental consultants, policy-makers, and those involved in the construction industry to gain the latest information on the subject.


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